21 May 2015

Women Power for the Men's Domain

syreta offers an internship to students of the E-Business program at FH-Steyr
How do E-Business solutions really work, and what challenges are faced daily in a company specialized in E-Business solutions? Lisa Bachmayr, a student of the Marketing and E-Business program at FH Steyr and the winner of the internship at syreta, can now find out the answers to these questions and more for herself this summer. Lisa was selected for the internship with her project work on the topic "Social Media in Business" from the 16 submissions of the program. Together with lecturer Mag(FH) Thomas Fleischanderl, who approached syreta with the idea for the project work competition, the works were assessed and the winner was chosen. Lisa thus brings a bit of female power to the male domain of syreta during her internship.