11 Feb. 2022

Apply quickly for aws funding for digitalization projects now

Now get started with the funding budget and syreta in digital projects

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, a funding program was launched by aws under the title “KMU.E-Commerce”. With the support of the “aws Digitalisierung” concept, Austrian small and medium-sized enterprises are to become pioneers in the areas of E- and M-Commerce.

Expand digital advantages in Austria

A total of 10 million euros is available for the funding program. The funding amounts to a maximum of 20% of eligible costs or a maximum of 12,000 euros. This means that total project costs may not exceed 60,000 euros. A minimum threshold of 3,000 euros has been established, which the project costs must at least reach. The non-repayable grant can be applied for by companies based in Austria. Almost all industries are considered, except for agriculture and forestry, non-profit associations, public corporations, and companies whose core business is already based on digital business models.

syreta supports you on your way to digitalization

Within the framework of the KMU.E-Commerce funding program, numerous activities related to the implementation of e-commerce projects are funded. These include tasks such as building a professional online presence, introducing and expanding online shops, their optimization, and the establishment of e-commerce business processes such as logistics or payment methods.

In all these areas, syreta is one of the market leaders in Austria and is therefore the perfect partner for all digitalization projects by your side. Don't miss the opportunity, take advantage of the generous funding support, and start with us today into the digital future!