24 Mär. 2023

Auch Geschäftskunden wollen online shoppen

B2C or B2B? Why not both?

Webshops and online ordering options. What has become standard in the Business to Customer business since the COVID-19 pandemic is only slowly gaining momentum in the B2B sector. But business customers also need goods and would be glad if they no longer had to order inconveniently via catalog or telephone.

It makes perfect sense for a company to implement webshops for both customer groups. Whether B2C or B2B – the basic framework is relatively similar for both types. Only later, shortly before completion, a few corresponding switches that mark the difference need to be set. It is just as simple if a shop is already available. The basic structure of a webshop can be adjusted at any time. Thus, a B2C webshop can be further developed into a B2B shop with comparatively little effort and vice versa.


The top priority: Know your customer

As with any e-commerce project, it is important to know your target audience well and consider their wishes. For example, a B2C customer shops differently than one from the B2B sector. The end consumer wants to experience something when shopping online, to be courted as a buyer and excited with possible offers. The classic B2B customer, on the other hand, is primarily looking for practical solutions to problems. Generally, they want to receive information about ordering, delivery, and their specially negotiated price and shipping conditions without much fuss.

With the appropriate tools and functions perfectly tailored to the respective customer group, it is possible to maximize the experience for both customer groups. Long-standing syreta customers such as Diakoniewerk, Biohof Achleitner, or natural cosmetics manufacturer Velvety, who took the step and had not just a B2C webshop implemented by us, can confirm this.