14 Feb. 2023

Energy supplier Kreuzmayr receives new website delivered

A brand new website with a focus on customer service

Not only years of experience but also the wide-ranging product portfolio, which spans from heating oil, diesel, gasoline, and solid fuels to AdBlue and equipment fuel, has made the family business Kreuzmayr an integral part of Austria's energy landscape. Additionally, the Kreuzmayr Group, which operates under the slogan "Energy with Sympathy," has established another foothold with the pink gas stations. Since the opening in 2006 in Wilhering, Upper Austria, 18 more locations have been added in Upper and Lower Austria. For the innovative gas station brand pink, we have already had the opportunity to design and implement the website with our expertise. Therefore, we were particularly pleased to be able to plan and program an appealing website for the Kreuzmayr Group as well.


Information and order with one click

In addition to obvious features such as a simple menu navigation and a responsive design, the Kreuzmayr Group has focused on customer-friendliness from the start of the project. Therefore, the energy supplier offers its customers not only a heating subscription but also let the smart heads at syreta work on a very special form. After entering a few pieces of data, such as the desired product type, quantity, and address, interested customers receive the current daily price for their energy product presented live through the form. A tailor-made price quote cannot be faster. Additionally, the specially designed form also offers the possibility to order the desired fuel directly through the website.

With innovative services like the order form, Kreuzmayr crucially meets its customers on the last mile of the purchase process and stands out with excellent customer service. We find this extremely sympathetic.
