20 Aug. 2020

Fire and Flame for the new GRILL & CO-App

New App Fuels Shopping


As an expert on questions and products related to "grilling," GRILL & CO made a name for itself years ago. And the past years have shown: Grilling is no longer just about preparing food, it has become an art and profession. This is also proven by the now 5 locations where at GRILL & CO grilling can be enjoyed to the heart's content or whole grill menus can be prepared in one of the popular grill courses.


With so much passion, we were immediately fired up when the idea of a GRILL & CO app came up and quickly began implementing it.


Along with the app idea, a second idea was ignited. Namely, that of a new customer account. From now on, grill fans can collect points from their purchases, whether online or directly in the stores, in the app and later exchange them for discounts on new purchases.


Thus, GRILL & CO was able to take another important step towards digitalization and offers its users significant added value with the app, which guarantees to further fuel the joy of grilling.