8 Nov. 2021

syreta goes Marketing Forum 2021

Finally a stage for brands again

Under the title “And now? Marketing in unusual times.”, the Marketing Club Linz invited guests on Thursday, November 4, 2021, after a year's break, to the Marketing Forum at the Design Center Linz. syreta had the opportunity to support this great exchange of knowledge not only through sponsorship activities but also by participating live at the event.

After this long period of abstinence from events, trade fairs, and congresses, attending the Marketing Forum was once again a welcome change for all present. In a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, and following all necessary measures, high-profile speakers explored the question of whether marketing and communication can still be based on the same premises as before the Corona pandemic or whether marketers and advertisers will need to rethink their strategies. The contributions of the speakers in answering these questions were exciting and thought-provoking.

One of the highlights of the 37th Marketing Forum was undoubtedly the appearance of ski legend Franz Klammer. In an informal conversation, he talked about the highlights of his career and provided participants with insights into the role of marketing and sponsorship in top sports in the 70s, rounding off the event.

We at Syreta were also able to take away a lot of ideas and numerous new approaches from this year's Marketing Forum and are already looking forward to the next time the Marketing Club invites guests to the annual forum.
